Hate Crime Gang Stalkers Set Me Up To DCFS

My psychic medium readings say that many conspired to frame me an over nice mother to CPS DCFS in 2005 because they did not like my outfit I wore to my 20 year sober AA party Feb 27th, 2005. Readings say they hated the way I shopped at many stores after I diet in 05 when I was building up a new closet of clothes for work and socializing, and they plotted to set me up and to wreck everything I did, and steal my money since 2009 spring because they don’t want me to have money to look good because they were mad I looked good after dieting in 2005, and steal from me by hatred for almost 2 decades, and did stalking hate crimes in 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 framed me then hack and rob my paypal for 11 years since April 2013 when I opened a paypal account years after the not needed DCFS case file was closed and I opened it when both my daughters were 18 and older, and readings say they steal my paypal cash app venmo, Medium For God mail, gift cards etc. and say they do this also due to the fact they decided to ruin her looks, and to take her money so she cannot look good, and do things as usual like go to a hairdresser, the dentist, to shop and do my skin, they did not want me to be able to do the things I did in a normal routine for ages, they say they could not stand my outfit I wore to my 20 year sober AA party end of Feb 05 because they dress conservative so they did not like my stylish outfit, and they did not like the way I bought a house so fast in 05 and plotted to run us out for doing that, when I bought the house I wanted to buy and 4 years of work went into the move that was not fast at all, and they say they text one another and planned to ruin it all, and said they would set that mom up to first the CPS Secret Courthouse in fall 07 with jealous hatred for the way I looked, and then to DCFS and then steal every penny from me so I could not look good and all planned it by text, and said it made them sick she looked like that so stinken dam fast when they saw her at her 20 year sober AA party and planned it right then and there conservative dressed women my readings say, some from the party and some they text messaged that day, and they said they wanted to ruin it all right then and there and all agreed in unisom capitol YES set the Mom up, and said they were determined to ruin it and started slandering right then everywhere and lied a realtor long time sober nice single mom had such problems because she was all done up at a backyard bash and said she did carpet paint gaudy tile so fast to the house to be with a new man, and they said thats wrong to them to do all that for a man ?

I did all that to the house to sell it, and I lost weight by a diet and planned it out, to do a make over on myself, I planned to loose weight and to buy new stylish clothes, and I planned to sell the house in 2005 and buy another house, and this was planned since 2001.

I was a proffesional Realtor starting in 1999 and in 2001 I started searching for a house for my family on the Real Estate Multiple Listing Service everyday to buy, and I wrote many offers over the 4 years I was looking for the house, I was a realtor quietly looking for my house to buy from 2001 to 2005, all the while I was updating the two story house to sell it to buy a one story house or a house with a bedroom downstairs for my mom as she told me in 2001 she wanted to live with my daughters and I and I told her I would sell my two story house and buy a one story for her to live with us in and I told her I did not want her going to an elder care. I had exterior paint done and got new garage doors, put a tile roof on with an escrow check, tiled the downstairs, landscaped myself,painted etc with the plans to sell the house when I found the right house and an offer was accepted and searched for a house everyday for 4 years on the MLS as a realor looking for their own house, and wrote about 5 offers over those years and then found the right house to buy in spring summer 2005, and wrote an offer on it when my house was listed to sell as I listed it the end of Feb 05 after my 20 Year Sober AA party as planned, as in 2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, and in 2005 I started working on my fico score to buy a house, and I refinanced the 2 story house to take out 20 grand to do carpet paint tile to put it on the market in spring 05 when the real estate market is known to be busy, in Spring, and I got the money from the refi from 04 and bought Italian glazed off white expensive tile for the kitchen that looked classy and shek and readings say the hate crime gang stalker wicked conservative women lied it was gaudy tile, and readings say they lied to people, and lied Nancy Fox has such problems, and said she did carpet, paint, gaudy tile so quick lost weight so fast and got all done up to be with a new man. When a friend would have said ” wow Nancy Fox is going great as a real estate agent she just had new carpet and paint done to their house, it looks great, and she lost weight and looks so good in new stylish clothes, and just celebrated 20 years sober in AA what a nice mom she is and a great realtor who sells so many homes” a friend would have seen everything as positive, to do new carpet and paint and to loose weight on a diet is all positive and a friend would be happy for the person, and tell people the person is doing great and they said the opposite and slandered me in Feb 05 the readings say, and lied she got all done up when I did not, I had the same hair cut and weave and the same make up and got ready in 30 minutes and wore a new outfit from Nordstroms after dieting since Dec 04 and readings say evil jealous conservative dressed women conspired and said they wanted to wreck everything she did, they wanted to ruin it all because they were so mad she looked like that so fast and did carpet paint tile so quick to the house and lied it was all to meet a new man, and said thats the kind of mom they hate that they set up to their CPS Secret Courthouse and to DCFS by all calling in and lying at the same day same exact hour usually and plan it all out in such great advance to do that to Moms they hate, they say they hate their apperance and want them all shot right there and then for being like that, they want them gone, and all agreed with hatred to ruin everything, and say thats to look hot and sexy and to have a wild sex time when its all a lie.

When I had had no sex since my ex husband, I had not had sex for over 8 years at this time in Feb 05, and I started dieting in Dec 04 when a man from the past called that I dated in 1988, and when he called he said ” what are you doing?” and I said ” I am looking for a house to buy” and he said we could go to dinner when he was in town as he was out of State so I started dieting to loose weight to see him again, and he was not at my 20 Year sober AA party in Feb 05, I did not see him until fall winter 05.

I also happen to be a Costume Designer, I worked on many movies, features, T V shows as a Costume Designer stylish, Costume Supervisor, a proffesional Shopper for 16 years. I decided when I started a low carb diet in Dec 2004 I was doing a make over on myself, and I decided I was going to get make to my regular size which is a size 2 or 4 and so I dieted and lost weight fast, and I let my bangs grow out, I did my usual hair cut and weave I did like clock work every 4 months for years, I did my skin at the dermatologist for $450.00 and decided I am doing this every year to look younger,and did my usual make up I have done for years, I spent about $40.00 on make up every couple months at a Rite Aid or CVS Wallgreens type store. I went shopping at Nordstroms in Feb 05 to buy an outfit to wear to my 20 year sober AA party and did not know what i would buy when I went shopping that day, and decided to buy designer jeans that were below the waist, and found a sweater in the same shade of blue that I bought, and this was a Free People light blue sweater that looked pretty to me, and spiritual to celebrate 20 years of sobriety, and I bought a womens white tank top, and was covered from head to toe, a three quarter sleeve length sweater with nothing showing, and as said I did a make over on myself lost weight and bought a sylish outfit as an expert Shopper Costume Designer of the past, as this is what I did for many actresses for many years and something I am an expert at in addition to my having been an expert realtor in selling and buying homes, I knew what to do to prepare to buy a home, and I knew what to do to our house to get it ready to sell.

My readings say they hated everything I did with my expertise, and said she did that so stinken dam fast whats the matter with her? when it was not fast at all, and when they should have said wow Nancy Foxs house looks great she had new paint tile done, and she lost weight and looks great.

Readings say they wanted to do me in for that ?

They lied she did all that to be with a new man when I did the house to sell it to buy another house for my mom all planned in 2001, and I lost weight to see a man from the past that I dated in 1988.

After loosing weight in 2005 I decided to build up a closet of new clothes that I needed for my new old regular size which is a size 2 or 4, so I went shopping at stores in the area where we lived, at boutigue clothing stores, and at M Fredricks, and bought stylish clothes, and I bought suits and clothes to sell real estate in, and built up a new closet of clothes as I planned, and I had the money to buy clothes also. Readings say the hate crime conservative women stalked me,and said she bought clothes at 5 stores and that does it, they are so mad they said she did that, and wrote down the stores I went to and what I spent when I was doing a planned make over on myself, I dieted lost weight, and built up a new closet of clothes, and bought sylish designer Jeans and clothes, clothes to socialize in, clothes to sell homes and estates in, and was happy about what I bought, and readings say they hated me for that? and continued plotting to set me up to CPS DCFS because of my clothes ? A mom who did no drugs who did not drink who had not had sex since 1997 they planned to frame because of my clothes? the readings say they hated my True Religion Jeans, and they said a mom should not go to M Fredricks thats were youths go for a graduation outfit etc. my readings say the hate crime stalker liars said things such as this. I was wearing what many other mothers were wearing in the community and other realtors also wore low cut designer jeans and so did teens and some dads also, and this was the style at the time, and the style is still similar today, readings say they hated the way I looked in jeans, and all packed up to do in Nancy Fox and text that exactly, and said all agreed in such a great unison cap YES thumbs up symbols they text to do in a nice single mom realtor,and said they do not care about parenting, they go by the way a mom dresses, and lie if they do all that they are self centered and say they should loose custody for shopping ?when I was a selfless mom and bought my kids stylish clothes also, and they liked me wearing trendy jeans that were in style instead of jeans that fit on the waist, as low jeans, flared legs were in style and still are, women have been wearing flare leg pants for about 2 decades I have noticed on T V also, that is what many wear on television, and I was dressing in style, and I was happy I lost weight and could buy stylish clothes.

Readings say they told people many lies at this time, and lied the long time sober AA party was a hot time shing ding a backyard swingin bash, and they said she looked too hot to be a mom to them by her outfit?and it was a daytime party from 2 pm to 5 pm with my kids, relatives, friends, neighborhood kids.

They say they saw it all wrong, and thought she should have been wearing a nice cardigan that was long and soft pleated front slacks, and loafers, they thought she should not have dressed the way she did in what they call a hot cropped sweater, that was a spiritual free spirit Free People sweater, and they said that was wrong to them to spend so much dam money on the house and on a hot outfit, that the money should have gone for the kids so they plotted to set me up to CPS DCFS because of the way the house looked and my clothes when I spent alot on my kids, I bought them stylish outfits also, and I paid for RAD ballet lessons for years, and leased a horse for my daughter and spent about $1,500.00 on my kids lessons, horse etc.and doing carpet and paint to a family home is for the kids also, kids love new carpet and paint, and that should be seen as a nice mom who updated the family home, and they were so excited about the party we had on Feb 27th 2005, and this should have all been seen as a positive thing a nice mom did, and they should have seen all I accomplised and paid for as a single mom realtor who worked hard for my family.

The readings say hate crime conservative gang stalker women all conspired to frame me an over nice mother who provided so well for her daughters and they planned it Feb 27th 2005, and then were mad a bought a new family home and decorated and bought furniture, and stalked me at stores where I shopped, and lied that was wrong ?for a mom to buy family room furniture for the new family home she bought for her family. When it was all positive.

They said we are running them out of that stinken dam house she bought so fast and doing her in for being like that for shopping so fast when I measured for what furniture I needed made lists a budget and went out and bought what we needed for our family room dining room area for our new family home I bought in June 2005, and this was all very normal to do, thats what people do when they buy a new house, and when they loose weight they buy new clothes, all totally normal.

They say they were so stinken sick she did all that so fast and lied it was without thinking when it was all thought out by me an expert in buying homes, and in decorating, and as an expert Costume Designer Sylist.They said they would pull many pranks to run us out and began in 05 by smashing the mail box on the ground and did it again in spring 06 YES they write still, and say YES we all agreed to do that to them in such great unison by cap YES a thumbs up text to do them in, and said get the ballerina bag and realtor book from her car, and paid some to break in my SUV May 9th 2006 to steal $500,00 worth of property and say they did it on purpose, still now, they say dam right serves her right for being that way for buying hot jeans and for decorating on a shoe string budget, for spending so much dam money without thinking, When it was all very thought out by me a proffesional realtor, a proffesional Costume Designer Stylist, and I spent about $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 buying furniture and decorative items I wanted to buy with my money by list measuring, a budget of what I decided to spend, all very planned, and I made 150 grand selling homes in 2005 and I made $386,000.00 on my house I sold in 2005 so I had the money to buy the house, to buy furniture, to do flooring, and to buy a new wardrobe for my new old size in 2005 and got alot accomplished by my hard work and planning and was so happy.

They wanted to ruin it they say because it made them sick she looked like that in jeans, and they think there should be CPS DCFS case files because of the way a nice mom dresses?

They say they all got in on setting up Nancy Fox in 2005 by hundreds doing thumbs up texts to one another YES do it now they said, steal their mail from the mail box, money from it etc. and they said they would do her in set her up by all lying at the exact same time after framing her to the CPS Secret Courthouse and then nearly every dime so she wont have money to look good, so she cant do her skin, and buy nice clothes because they were so mad about the way she looked after dieting and shopping, and say hate crimes it is cap YES keep on doing it, do not let her have her own money keep taking her mail ups fed exes money from it her paypal cash app venmo by hacking, and say they take money by old DCFS papers from spring 09 with DISMISSED LIES, and say they all packed up and decided not to stop and have stolen Westfield Mall Shopping gift cards sent to Nancy Fox for 14 years from mail, and manicure pedicure skin gift certificates, clothing presents since May 2010, and they steal everything and say we dont want her to look good, they agreed to ruin her beauty because they were so mad she did all that so stinken dam fast, and decided to do this to her skin and her teeth, as in 2005 she capped and whitened her teeth and that made them so stinken dam sick? and said they wanted to wreck it all and say they wont stop it now, they all got in on it together, and lied a mom dressed that way should loose custody for wearing a hot top, a cropped sweater, low jeans with flares. When I wore designer clothing from Macys, Boutigue stores, short sweaters, and stylish jeans, and they say that shows greed, and its wrong to them to buy a lot at one stinken dam time makes them so stinken dam sick to their stomachs and they hated her for that? when I built up a closet of new clothes for my new old size in 05, and bought alot at once to get it done, as a proffesional expert shopper.

And they are not stopped.

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