A House Of Serenity

I am recaping all that has gone on for nearly 2 decades of warding off the devil as it appears it began in 2005 with the mail box on the post being smashed on the ground and 2005 was a very busy year when I got alot accomplised, updating our two story house to sell it, celebrating 20 years of sobriety at a party I had at that house and then Listing it For Sale, as I was a real estate agent then, selling and buying my own house for my family, and I sold 7 homes that year and was very busy as a realtor and a single mother, and bought a new house with my two story house money and real estate income, and updated that house before moving in with flooring etc. and bought furniture we needed, then had a house waming party there. I also lost weight in 2005 by a diet I started in Dec 04 and bought new clothes for my new old regular weight and it was one of the busiest and happiest years of my life, getting all of this accomplished, buying a house I loved so much where Church Bells Chimed every hour on a lot with three laden Oak trees where I sat on a covered porch watching ducks fly to the lake reading my AA One Day at a Time books with coffee in the morning, waking up so peacefully full of serenity as I found bliss, my happy serene home, a House of Serenity you might call it, that I shopped for for so long, as a realtor searching for my own house to buy for my family, I was searching for a house that had a spiritual ambiance, a house with a clay tile roof and mature trees with a certain feeling, and found it after 4 years of looking, and after writing many offers on homes before that and planned for it to be last house I would every buy and all was great and fine until stalkers ruined it and life has not been the same since. I planned many years of happy family time in that house for my daughters and mother that were not able to be carried out as the devil swarmed around to take a over nice good single mom down and set me up to DCFS right when my Mom was about to move in to the house I bought for her to live with us, right when my daughter would have been planning her 18th birthday party at the house, right when she would have been starting her College homework in her bedroom, and when my younger daughter was planning to continue her life in the suburbs we had lived in for 12 years at that time with everything we did close by, RAD ballet, and AA meetings and so on in a community where we were very acclamated where I planned for us to stay, I planned for that to be our permanate family home forever, for my daughters to always have their large bedrooms with their large bathroom with double sinks to come home to forever, for College breaks, Christmas etc. as I found heaven on earth and it felt so good and wonderful there til the stalkers ruined the peace and serenity and our happy family home life we had in the suburbs for many years since 1997 til 2009 when they set me up and ran us out of our great wonderful house where I literally did find heaven on earth as I started channeling from heaven there as I felt instantly spiirtually elated from the minute I stepped in the door with Church Bells Chiming at that very second as I became a psychic medium there and a channeler on my Angel Board that I did each night at 10 pm that I took out of a basket, set on the formal dining room table, and light a white candle and channeled God and Jesus there and many Angels and passed on relatives, and famous people came on my angel board and I advanced my higher consiousness and psychic ability there and that is the true miracle that came out of the house and the reason I was led to it and bought it by God guiding me there as I had three dreams about the house, the inside of the house, I was shown what came to be my daughters large bedrooms, the wide street the house was on with a horse crossing sign on the corner, and a dream of someone running out of the back of the house which was really the front down the long driveway during the escrow, and everything happened just as I dreamt, and I did not know it was this house when I had the dreams, which was probably April of 2005 as that is when I first saw the house Listed on the Real Estate Mulitiple Listing Service as a New Listing, and probably God sent me the dreams so I would know the house is a yes, buy it, live there, as spirit guides guide people in their dreams with what to do and not do in their life and God is my spirit guide, my best friend I pray to day and day out since I got sober in Alcoholics Anonymous Feb 9th, 1985 and how lucky I am I do say often to have a direct connection to God who I started depending on when I got sober in 1985 and I learned not to depend on people, places, and things, but to depend on God Almighty and did and do and Thank God I say as people let me down, and I discovered many are devils with a mask on not to be trusted, and how awful to discover this as I thought people were sincere and honest like me, and come to find out that are not, unfortunately, as the devils swarmed around our happy family home and ruined our happy family home life, and life has not been the same since they did this, and that is the longest story in the world I have been telling to have justice prevail, as it is still unbelievable what was done could happen to a person like me, a long time sober AA lady, a harder worker than most, an Alanon lady who learned in 1997 zip your lips, don’t gossip, or medel or speak ill of others, and I learned in AA to be the best person I can be each day, and to check your motives when you do things, to make sure you are not manipulating, and to not do anything wrong so you feel good inside to enjoy sobriety and to not want to stuff feelings, and I developed a clear concious by feeling good in my soul, by being a good person, and did this by sitting through alot of old stuffed feelings in 1988 when I had 3 years of sobriety I went to ACA and Codepenants anonymous and I cried for 1 year about my childhood when my feelings were hurt by insulting words of others, and buried pain of hurt I discovered and felt so much lighter after 1 year of this work, and it did work, and went to Coda meetings where I learned ” I am enough” ” I love myself” and that foundation built a bedrock for me as to say ” Sticks and stones can hurt you but words can never hurt me” and therefore I am very confident, sure of myself as I know I am a good person, as I live my life to be the best person I can be each day, thanks to AA and ACA and Coda and Alanon, and a solid bedrock of knowing who I am can not be broken by slandering as I check my motives, and do not harm others, or talk bad about people behind their backs etc, so when I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 I knew I did nothing wrong, as I make sure I don’t and I have lived this way since 1985 and I am in my 40th year of sobriety, and I was one who never bragged, I was humble low key, reserved, and treat people equally, I hardly told anybody I bought a house in an estate neighborhood, when people asked where do you live? where did you buy a house? I just said ” Its across from the Church” as I bought it because of the way it felt, up a private driveway, among laden Oaks with Church Bells Chiming every hour as a house of bliss for a long time sober AA lady, for my family, for the City as it was the same suburb City we had lived in since 1997, and the same School district etc. the right location for our lives, where I sold many homes and estates, and where we had alot of friends? so I thought, as when the stalkers swarmed around our house and street I wondered if it it was people I knew stalking? and stil wonder, and it feel it was many devils with a mask on pretending to be nice to my face, as many appeared such as this wherever I went, and I thought wow I see someone I know everywhere I go, at the gas station, in a market parking lot, at a Starbucks, a 7 11, at Home Depot when I was buying plants, and everywhere I went someone would appear and just stand there and stare, and pop up out of nowhere, and say ” hi Nancy!” often and coincidental? I think not, that is called ” Gang Stalking” a Targeted Individual and my readings say they call themselves the spy watch cam committee and when they stalk a nice family they say they are ” On Patrol” and five drive around a house and park an hour and take your mail while they are there, then write fake notes on nice moms to set them up to the Department of Child Family Protective Services, nice moms who do nothing wrong, and this happened to me a person who prided herself on her parenting, who made sure she was the best mom she could be everyday with my sentimental sincere ways, I cherished every moment with my family, as I learned much in AA to be in the moment, to be present, to cherish each second, and a very sincere devoted family lady was framed and I thought there can never be a DCFS case file, because I have done nothing wrong, and that I was positive about as I am an AA lady who keeps a clear conscious, who makes sure I harm no one, and that I was positive about, how could there be a DCFS case file on an over nice Mom? as I don’t drink or party at all since Feb of 1985, I lead a 12 step life, and did not even date anyone I told DCFS when they came uncessarily and went right to a pantry cupboard that was messy as if someone told them,some devil with a mask on ragging on a long time sober lady over nice mom trying to dig something up when there was nothing to get on me, and DCFS asked did I pray and mediated in my bathroom? yes, and thats not child endangering, and my daughters were teens, they were 14 and 17 and I thought I will never see DCFS again and I thought there can never be a case file, and was waiting for the whole thing to be over with, to move on with our lives, and felt certain nothing can become of this, as I did nothing wrong, as DCFS is for dangerous mean parents who harm their kids not over nice ones, and I was set up to DCFS its very obvious, as first they smashed the mail box on the post onto the ground in 2005 and did it again in 2006 spring, and broke in my SUV parked in our long private driveway and stole our property, stalked the mail box on a post, sped around the street, parked, stalked and stared at the mail box standing in the street in front of their white BMWs, women dressed in work clothes, and scared a single mom to death, and ruined our whole peaceful spiritual ambiance in our house just be that, that alone ruined the secure feeling in our happy home, and it ruined the nearly half a million I invested in it also, and it ended up ruining my 10 year all referal business I built up as a hard working single mom realtor that I worked hard it to provide well for my daughters as I was a Family Realtor Lady In the suburbs working with sincere integrity, as an over honest ethical good person, just the initials DCFS ruined it, just by the knock on the door, as I prided myself on being an over nice mother and was known as that in the area which my business was built upon, as I advertised in the School newsletter, paid for the Schools voice mail system messages and so on, so I was waiting for it to over with, for DCFS to see it was a big mistake, and was told they had reports from anonymous people, and would not tell me who they were or what they said, and I knew there was nothing they could have said, as I did nothing wrong as a parent at all, and they said they spoke to a relative, and I said why would you speak to them? I hardly se them, they live hours away, and drink and have no kids and I am in AA and sober a long time. I was set up the week my car broke down by lies told behind my back by anoymous individuals, and a drunk relative who lives far away and has no children who is not credible. I happen to be educated in parenting also, I minored in Psychology in College, I worked at a Day Care as a liscensed Day Care Worker, I love kids, our house was full of kids from the entire neighborhood when my kids were young playing and having fun, how could this happen to someone who loves chidren? I babysat the whole neighborhood, and cherished every minute as I love kids, and had many teens stay at our house of bless also, and bought a house for teenage College years for my daughters, large bedrooms to do College homework in was my plan for at that time, the future ahead, I bought family room funiture with floor pillows fo teens to sit on, age appropriate you could say, and I was writing a book even then called ” The Selfless Single Mom” as I learned how to parent by reparenting myself in ACA in 1988, I learned alot about loving yourself, and I read a book called Listening To Your Inner Self, as I got very connected to myself, and I read ” The Family” before I had a family.

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