Gang Stalked Targeted Individuals Are Blacklisted By False Allegations, Brain Washing, And Hate Crimes Set Up Lies and Conspiring

Due to stalking and slandering that went on which seems as hate crimes it seemed some who did this were lied to about me as there is nothing to hate about me, and coupling those facts with my psychic channeled tips it spells out brainwashing to target and frame and set up a targeted individual as people suddenly acted different towards me and relatives shunned me when I was an over nice devoted mother and daughter who did so much for them with my sincerity and my heart and soul, I did everything for everyone, and suddenly was Stone Walled, people turned against me for no reason, and people who had always been nice and friendly to me were suddenly ignoring me, acting different towards me, and the whole City seemed to go silent on me, and it was the day of my younger daughters Middle School Graduation in 2009, when people did not say hello or act the same towards me, and I thought what is going on? and only a targeted individual would understand and or a nice mom framed to be a not needed CPS DCFS case file, how it feels for people to think your someone else, someone you’re not by lies told . Due to that I decided to send out facts about myself to outweigh any lies and I do this for 15 years, and that’s my advice and suggestion for targeted individuals and for nice parents who are slandered to CPS and DCFS as I have said a million times over ” Stalking, Slandering, Set Up To DCFS, I D Theft” and that means Blacklisted by false allegations without the parent being informed of what was said about them, a bill I read about when it was posted on Facebook Stop Blacking Listing Moms By False Allegations, inform them what was said, to me that means nice parents are slandered to DCFS CPS behind their back then blacklisted by lies, that means their money and mail is stolen by lies they never heard of, or stolen by fraud DCFS CPS papers that have dismissed lies on them, is what I keep saying I feel is happening, I feel the gang stalkers stalked our house, stalked our mail box on a post, broke it on the ground two times, swarmed around in the street, sped into and parked, stood outside of their cars staring at the mail box to do I D theft, and broke in my suv and stole five hundred dollars worth of personal property and stole our cats when they stalked to ruin our lives, to scare a nice good over protective mother to then slander me an over nice good mom to do I D Theft with lies they told to DCFS, to then rob me blind and to me that is what Stop Blacklisting Moms By False Allegations means, it means its a two or more lied conspiracy of gang stalkers who conspire and plan to harm someone, as a good mom who did nothing wrong it was very obvious to me, and it seems they did hate crimes because they were brain washed and lied to and because they misinterputed things and had a false perception, and made assumptions as I am sober in AA since 1985, I lead a spiritual 12 step life since then, I do not lie, cheat or steal,or manipulate or play games, I am sincere and I was an over devoted Mother and daughter to my Mom, I commited to always living near her in L A County, and always did until she was taken from L A County and not returned as her elder plans were changed in an underhanded way with coerisn and deceipt and manipulation, as I said it seems relatives were mad for no reason, as they did not know I am and made false assumptions, I know that for fact by what they did, said, and by a mean attacking email I got in 2009, they did not see me for who I am, an over honest good trustworthy person, and relatives who live far away came around out of nohwere and slandered me when everything was always fine with my Mom, my two daughters and I in our life in L A County, and relatives turned on me, shunned me when I was the one who did everything for everyone, and it seems hate crimes were done by people having false perceptions of who I am as there is nothing to hate about me, and I lead a spiritual life for many years, and do not lie, cheat or steal, I never spoke ill of others as I follow the sayings, Love your neighbor as you love thyself, Treat Others the way you want to be treated, and my life was lead by my positive thinking, and I was one who did not step on toes, or gossip, I am great at keeping private things private, and I could not believe the way I was treated, as I thought other people were like me, I thought others were sincere, and nice, and honest and ones who want the best for others the way I do, and suddenly the city went silent, and I was stone walled, and a scared to death mom was set up to DCFS by lies told in spring 09, and the lies were dismissed without prejudice in 2009, then I have obvious I D Theft since, as I do not receive mail and money as I should, and it was obvious to me in spring 09 the day of my daughters graduation that I was lied about behind my back by the way people acted to me, and that is what is done to Targeted Individuals, brain washing goes on, and hate crimes stalking and stealing,vandalism goes on as that is what happened to me, then people see you wrong because there is a DCFS case file when there never should have been one, and the ones who lied about an over nice good mom are the very bad persons, not the slandered, stalked, robbed vandalized scared to death mom, and the case file should have been on them, as anyone who would harm someone on purpose has mental health problems, and if two people conspire together to harm somebody, like conspiring to stalk or steal or vandalize thats a conspiracy and they are mean and I am nice, they are bad and I am good, and gang stalkers harm targeted individuals, then rob them blind, thats pretty obvious, as I always made a great living in my life, I am more productive and ambitous than most people, and just when I had started reaching my goals with my careers, and bought a home to live in the rest of my life the devils swarmed around to ruin everything I worked so hard for in my life, and it could have been jealous hate crimes, they might have been jealous I bought a house for around a million dollars in 2005 that I worked hard to buy, and they might have been jealous I lost weight and got back to my regular size in 2005, and it seems it could have been many different motives to me, and hate crimes were done when there is nothing to hate about me, and it seems as stereotyping, they thought I was someone else, and hated me with a false perception, as they did not know who I am, one who prays each day, who prayed each night ” I was the best person I could be today, I was the best Mom I could be, please protect my family, Thank you God Amen” I said a prayer like that each night when my life was great good and wonderful as I felt so good and happy inside being a Mom, and living a spiritual life where I do nothing wrong, and really reached a spiritual plateu in 2005 2006 and before then and was taken down, a spiritual over nice person who did nothing wrong to anyone, as I learned in 1985 in AA ” check your motives and intentions, do not manipulate” and live that way, and I started going to Alanon in 1997 where I learned ” zip your lips, do not gossip or medal or cause drama, don’t escaluate people, don’t try to change people, just see what you can change about yourself, don’t manipulate, or try to control other people, don’t speak ill of others” and I live by this information and check my motives twice, is how I know lying and brain washing had to have gone on, for stalking to go on, and for me to be treated the way I was, as I am over sincere, and sensitive to other peoples feelings, one who is tactful with what I say to someone, I did not insult anybody or harm anyone, as I check my motives, and keep a clear conscious, and I did not know there were so many mean sneaky people, so immature and childish to harm a nice family and I was so baffled as how could this go on? as I am a keep to myself person with a reserved patient personality often quiet, and one who enjoyed my solitude and serenity, and my whole life was working selling homes, and spending times with my daughters and my mom, thats who I talked to, thats who I went to breakfast, lunch and dinner with, and with real estate customers, and there was nothing to tell about me, no partying as I am sober in AA since 1985, no nothing, as I over honest and ethical, and I was polite and friendly to everyone where we lived, and made no waves in the community, I just minded my own business, focused on my family and selling homes, then stalkers swarmed, first vandalism and theft happened in 05 and 06 as hate crimes it seemed when I looked back on it, after one thing after another was done to us, right after I bought a house I shopped for for 4 years, I wrote many offers before then over the 4 years I was looking for the right house on the MLS as I was a realtor looking for my own house for my family, and years of work went into this plan, first by updating the two story house I owned with exterior paint and new garage doors in 2000, a new roof I paid for with an escrow check as a hard working single mom realtor, and got an $18,000.00 tile roof put on the two story house, had the downstairs tiled, landscaped myself, refied the house in 04 to take money out to do carpet, paint, tile, to sell it to buy a new house for my family, as my mother was getting older in 2004 and I decided 2005 is the year to buy as i needed a one story for my mother that we planned in 2001, that she would live with us and not in an elder care, she told me I only want to live with you and your kids, or near you if I have to go to an elder care ever for health reasons , she wanted to go to the one by where we lived, and she said where will my bedroom be? because we had four bedrooms upstairs, and I told her don’t worry, I will sell the house and buy a one story, so I started shopping for the house in 2001 all the while I was upgrading the two story house to sell it as Seller Home Owners should do to get a good price, and to sell their house when they put it on the market, and knew about all of this from being a real estate expert, as I was liscened in 1999, and sold many homes, and a house came on the MLS in spring 2009, and it was on a Street I had showed a buyer a house on in around 2000, so I knew the Street well, and the house went into escrow, then came back on the market in May 05, and it was the perfect floorplan for my family, so I bought it with a swing loan from my two story house when it was listed for sale, and it was good for my other careers also, as I am a screenplay writer and song lyric writer, and poet, and I felt like a writers retreat, and I was looking for a home with a spiritual ambiance, being a writer and long time sober AA member, I wanted peace and serenity, which it had with Oak trees etc. and it was absoluetly perfect and I was so happy I found it, a one story for my Mom to live with us in, large bedrooms and a large bathroom with double sinks for my two daughters, and it felt spiritual as said, and a perfect location to sell homes from, to write in, to have as our happy home forever was my plan, and my mom never got to move in, as in 2009 I was lied about to DCFS, I cleared the fourth bedroom for her, and told a relative I was getting the bedroom ready to do a transition period for Mom, so she could start staying over to get used to the house, to have a transition period instead of moving her in all the sudden, as I am into transitions for people. I was lied about at this time to DCFS and it ruined everything I worked for, planned for, and ten years or more of happy family years we would have enjoyed in the house as you can’t put a price on time with your famiy.

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